LABS Group announces partnership with RioDeFi

LABS Group
2 min readDec 21, 2020

LABS is glad to announce RioDeFi as a renowned official partner.

Tradition financial systems have taken a turn during recent years. With the emergence of blockchain, LABS has taken an interest in taking advantage of this secure and transparent technology, providing anyone a chance to invest in any type of real estate.

The evolution from traditional financial systems to blockchain has been imperfect, but RioChain is the perfect solution to fix most of these barriers.

RioChain is a highly adaptive platform that comes with a whole host of benefits, laying the foundations for a wide-scale adoption for a blockchain and its applications.

There are many features that make RioChain outstanding, providing anyone with an exceptional user experience. With the assistance of RioChain’s blockchain technology, users will be able to transfer real estate assets across the world almost instantaneously.

Transactions are completed with a lower transaction fee, faster confirmation, and much more compared with other existing blockchain networks. LABS is pursuing to provide the best user experience to anyone who wishes to invest in LABS, and RioChain is the best fit for the position.

The cross-blockchain capability of RioChain will help create an ecosystem with multiple tokens. RioChain wasn’t just created for any blockchain to flourish, instead, it creates an environment for an entire ecosystem of blockchain interactions, even allowing interactions with blockchains built on legacy frameworks. Significantly for LABS, this will make the functional interactions between multiple tokens in use work seamlessly together, a crucial feature for the project’s success.

LABS is looking forward to the collaboration with RioDeFi, creating a better future for the growth of blockchain technology.

About RioDeFi

RioDeFi accelerates the mass adoption of digital assets by bridging traditional and decentralized finance. Our vision is a world in which everyone has access to decentralized financial (DeFi) services.

We develop solutions that connect banking institutions with blockchain systems. Our applications enable lower transaction fees, faster confirmations, more efficiency, better returns for savings account holders, and global reach.

To learn more about the latest developments regarding RioChain, visit: | Telegram | Twitter

About LABS

LABS is a digital investment platform that provides access to fractionalized property ownership and enables the continuous trading of real estate assets-backed tokenized shares on a regulated security exchange.

LABS uses blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure complete transparency over a borderless ecosystem where property developers and investors can interact seamlessly and with unprecedented efficiency.

Real estate and blockchain professionals have brought together their expertise to devise an ecosystem of services that make property investment more accessible, more secure, and more liquid.

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LABS Group

LABS Group utilizes blockchain, NFT and Web3 tech to disrupt traditional real estate and hospitality industry. Other Social Links: